The Powerpuff Girls Singing "The Necromancer" by: Rush

Video-ul incepe in 15
29 Vizionari
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you..... The Powerpuff Girls singing "The Necromancer", by Rush! A mysterious force with wizard-like abilities has plagued the city of Townsville. The moment before the Powerpuff Girls sprang into action, it was confirmed that the evil Necromancer was one of their regular villains in disguise, but no one knew who he really was. So, to avoid being recognized, the Powerpuff Girls decided to don disguises of their own. They decided to disguise themselves as men, from a made-up town called Willowdale. The villain was clearly expecting the Powerpuff Girls, not average men. They hoped that they could fool him. But, little did they know, that he was looking at them through his prism. As the girls ventured toward the Necromancer's lair, they were promptly corrupted and captured! He removed their disguises, and reiterated that they couldn't fool him, and that he knew who they were all along. After he left, the girls began to formulate an escape plan. They didn't let his spell corrupt their minds. But, just as they made their way out of the prison cell, the Necromancer's henchmen tried to stop them. After a lengthy battle, the Powerpuff Girls got out of the cell block. From there, they confronted the mysterious Necromancer, who had a familiar laugh. Following a huge scuffle, the girls destroyed his disguise and found out that it was Mojo Jojo! They also had a hunch to who he was after all that. Then, with their confidence back, they defeated him and had him arrested. The spell was finally broken, and the town was restored back to normal. Once again, the day is saved. Thanks to, the Powerpuff Girls! I hope you enjoy this video! Stay tuned for more videos and photos in the future.....


[I. Into the Darkness]
(Performed by Narrator and Blossom)

(Spoken by the Narrator)

'As grey traces of dawn tinge the eastern sky
The three travelers, men of Willowdale
Emerge from the forest shadow
Fording the River Don, they turn south, journeying
Into the dark and forbidding lands of the Necromancer
Even now the intensity of his dread power can be felt
Weakening the body and saddening the heart
Ultimately they will become empty, mindless spectres
Stripped of will and soul, only
Their thirst for freedom gives them hunger for vengeance...'

(Sung by Blossom)

Silence shrouds the forest
As the birds announce the dawn
Three trav'llers ford the river
And southward journey on
The road is lined with peril
The air is charged with fear
The shadow of his nearness
Weighs like iron tears.....

[II. Under the Shadow]
(Performed by Narrator and Bubbles)

(Spoken by the Narrator)

'Shreds of black cloud loom in overcast skies
The Necromancer keeps watch with his magic prism eyes
He views all his lands and is already aware of the three helpless invaders
Trapped in his lair...'

(Sung by Bubbles)

Brooding in the tower
Watching o'er his land
Holding ev'ry creature
Helplessly they stand
Gaze into his prisms
Knowing they are near
Lead them to the dungeons
Spectres numb with fear
They bow defeated.....

[III. Return Of the Prince]
(Performed by Narrator and Buttercup)

(Spoken by the Narrator)

'Enter the Champion
Prince By-Tor appears to battle for freedom from chains of long years
The spell has been broken...the Dark Lands are bright
The Wraith of the Necromancer soars
Away in the night.'

(Sung by Buttercup)

Stealthily attacking
By-Tor slays his foe
The men are free to run now
From labyrinths below
The Wraith of the Necromancer
Shadows through the sky
Another land to darken
With evil prism eye! Whoa.....

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